Wednesday, November 7, 2012








Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all those who won! We have Barack Obama back in office for another four years! We gained a Senate seat! HIP-HIP-HOORAY!

Anonymous said...

Yell, the people have spoke. Good thing now to do is work together. I think it is pretty interesting to see if they will do work together. Will we get to do the bicentinial? I think it would be nice if we could work together on that.

Anonymous said...

You mean Shelle's and Bob's bicentennial, right?

Anonymous said...

Guess it's not yours, Roger.

You're such a little weenie.

Concerned NA Citizen said...

All the right political feel good words have been spoken. Now we can wait and see how long it takes before the county and the city have their first little spat. Politicions bickering back and forth at one another. County politicions gripping about city politicions not informing them about what's going on and vise versa. No one will work together like they all say they need to. Another 2-4 years will go by until the next election and guess what. We get to do the same thing over again. The same old people will promise this and promise that to get in office and we will complain about nothing getting done with the old bunch and vote in a new bunch and the cycle continues again and again. And our hard earned tax money pays for it. Does any one other than me see a problem with this ?

Anonymous said...

I don't see all the "politicions" as being to blame. Some of them are the ones forcing all of this on the rest of us. For example, the City "politicions" say that the County owes the city $4 million. That's just not the case. Let's pretend (yes, PRETEND) that the city actually paid and did not remove money so that their share of the parks funding was always paid. OK. The County didn't pay it. Did the City kick in more? Did the City kick in $4 million more?

The reality is that the City did NOT kick in more because, in fact, the city REMOVED funding from the Parks budget. Not just once, but regularly. Of course the City did not pay an extra $4 million.

It's pie in the sky stuff you're asking for, Jeffy. Nobody owes you or your administration $4 million, although we DO owe you a kick in the butt come next election time.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Let's fire Gahan. That looser got my vote but can't ever get it again. He's horrible. WORST PERSON EVER IN OFFICE = JEFF GAHAN.

Anonymous said...

He is doing exactly the right thing with the parks. You should read the plan after you read how much the county ripped us off . Too bad no other mayor would hold the county accountable. You are just uninformed.

Anonymous said...

now that a lesbo won a US Senate seat and two states legalized gay marriage look for Phipps to push more gay rights crap in New Albany.

What happened yesterday with Obama winning is a clear signal that this country has incredibly stupid voters but at least the House stayed sane and Pres. hope and change, moving forward will be held accountable, cant say the same about New Albany though as long as you have Hitler for mayor and his band of robot councilmen doing his bidding for him, maybe it's time for the county to pursue combined govt and get that skinhead bozo and his idiotic follwers out of power.

By the way NA good luck with your new parks dept. your parks will become landfills

Anonymous said...

Such comments, boys and girls.

I think you may have something about the City not kicking in the other 4 million and defunding their budget. Do remember that happening, for a fact.

To me, maybe it's smoke and mirrors (as everything has always been within the 3rd floor) with this Parks fiasco. YES, it's a fiasco.

We are so tired of the hatred, and the bigotry, and the lack of partianship which surrounded this national election (and some state seats) - we could puke. (Sorry, another word simply doesn't come to mind.)

As far as the Bicentennial "event", we would be willing to bet only certain people (like the ones mentioned) took that torch and the torpedos be damned.

Anonymous said...

There will NEVER be merged city-county government. It would be disastrous to the city!

Anonymous said...

Now that election is over will Coffey go down in flames.

Anonymous said...

Whoever you are, the one that keeps standing staunchly behind all the city nonsense, you're dead wrong. The county has NOT ripped "us" (assuming that by "us" you mean the city)off. If anything, the PARKS was ripped off, only I recall that the Parks Dept was willing to call it a clean slate and start all over and asked the county to pay its share.

12:59 has a good point. If the city did not kick in that extra $4mill to fund the parks, then they aren't owed any money.

And I'm sure you think we're all stupid for thinking so, so let's just save you the effort of writing so quickly in defense of Gahan. He is wrong. Completely and absolutely wrong. He ought to be ashamed of himself. Ought to be embarrassed as hell.

Anonymous said...

The city did pay the money. You are lying. You should be embarrassed and ashamed for making up a bunch of hateful garbage.

Anonymous said...

Not hateful garbage. It's all true what he said.

Anonymous said...

Great post over on Freedom Of Speech. I recommend you all take the time to read it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, I am impressed. Sure glad I didn't vote for Burke. I think Gardenour would be a great candidate for mayor too.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Ed Clere. I live in the county and I sure didn't vote for Bush either.

Anonymous said...

Great job FOS.

Anonymous said...

Just read it! Yes, it's a nice piece. I agree with all of what they said. I voted for every single one of those candidates.

Anonymous said...

Freedom of Speech, where you can't actually speak.

Apparently, they can't spell or use correct grammar, which makes it hard for me to take them seriously with anything.

No, I'm not Baylor & friends.

Anonymous said...

fork you thrasher

Anonymous said...

It is all hateful garbage on here.

Anonymous said...

Denhart is a blowhard that attacks people she doesn't like and tries to discredit them for doing the exact same thing many others have done.

Lodema Applegate was a member of the Township Board for about 20 years voted to raise her own salary nearly every year she made about six hundred a month for a single meeting and did nothing else for that money.

How did "Freedom of Speech" react they made her one of their distinguished "Women of the Year" for about 5 years running.

Concerned NA Citizen said...

Nice article but everything could be better in a marshmellow world. The votes have been cast. The people have been put in office. So stop all the bickering and do your jobs. You were put in office for a reason. To do a job for the people of this city and county. Do what is best to further this city and county into the future and be a better place for everyone. You were voted in office for a reason. To do what is best for the people. Not your party. Your party didn't give you the votes to get in office the people did. No matter what party represents what job if you do it well and right you will be voted in for another term. Business 101. Do what is best for the people. For some reason politicions never do that. It was funny to read in the tribune the story about the county setting up it's plan for the county parks after Jan 1. They said it will take 500,000 a years to operate the parks budget. It is being taken in front of the county council next week. If it is passed then why was that amount not passed for the budget when it was with the city. All eyes are on the county council. What will they do ? If it is passed then we know they have shorted their parks budget in the past on purpose.

Anonymous said...

fork you baylor

Anonymous said...

Freedom of Speech is a wonderful blog. I check it out frequently. Yes, there may be spelling errors. The thought that goes behind the messages supersedes any spelling problem the FOS bloggers may have. As for the charge of not being allowed to post on there, well, I'm GLAD. Otherwise, it would be mucked up with crap like you have on this blog. NAC doesn't get many responses anymore because people are sick, sick, SICK of Roger.

Anonymous said...

Baylor is through and when he goes bankrupt mrs confidential will leave thate loser, go to europe rog and be a true commie, oh wait a minute Obama got re-elected you dont need europe anymore, maybe you can get a bailout sinc you created so many vital jobs here.

Anonymous said...

Baylor won't go bankrupt although I sometimes wish he would. But, unfortunately, it's unlikely, just as I knew it was unlikely that Obama would lose.

Roger's a Commie. And PROUD of it!

Anonymous said...

Don't call it Freedom of Speech if you don't let others speak. It's not only ironic, it's stupid. The only reason that comments would ever get mucked up is if they were anonymous- Baylor started losing comments when he made people identify themselves. Y'all only have enough balls to post here, anonymously. Yes, I know, I am too. Tell you what- you post as yourself with a google account that is yours and not a made up name, I'll do the same.

Sorry, I don't buy the 'yeah, but even with errors it's good' argument. If you don't care enough to proofread and spell check, you don't care enough that I actually read and try to understand your opinion. We educated types are picky that way.

Anonymous said...

Sure. Now they have 500,000 dollars. Why did they only budget 250,000 dollars then? Because they just expect the city to take care of it.

Anonymous said...

Erika may not be able to spell or to use proper syntax, but she is a true spitfire person.

Anonymous said...

miss you rog honey xoxo, your secret boyfriend from old FC days

Anonymous said...

We educated types know that the reason people stopped writing on Baylor's blog was that people started to realize that Baylor says the same old lies and twisted "logic." People don't want to be associated with that kind of nonsense, and they don't want people to think they lack credibility just because they would post on Baylor's blog. THAT'S why he's posting all by himself. He's lost, bit by bit, ALL of his 'peeps.'

Actually, there's some truth to the secret FC days. Remember what we did in a certain garage, Baylor? I remember. LOL

Anonymous said...

oh do kiss and tell, no wonder phipps has his eyes on rog

Anonymous said...

Wasn't kissing.

Anonymous said...

And I'm not saying anything more. He knows.

Anonymous said...

I learn more from Freedom Of Speech than our local newspaper. So fork you all.

Great job Erik.

Anonymous said...

What happen to the fifty ballots Scribner refused to count?

Anonymous said...

How come there was less absentee votes? Oh, that's right Coffey wasn't running this time. ROFLMFAO

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bush is an a**hole right along with Burke. He's one of those holy rollers.

Anonymous said...

That Garaboski woman was a whack job. A union hawk I heard. Big baby cried. Sounds like a sore loser to me.

Anonymous said...

Grammar? What about grammar. Half the words fluffinstuff uses isn't in the big book.

Anonymous said...

Yep, he's a bully alright.

Anonymous said...

Just think now that the election is over Mr. Clere can continue writing for our local newspaper. Maybe they can start selling papers.

Anonymous said...

No 12:39 Connie Sipes fed her a bunch of lies how the union would support her. NOT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Gahan, your next out the door.

Anonymous said...

Gahan is nothing but a pimp.

Anonymous said...

The the Tribune is bad enough already. I hope they don't add to it with his boring drivel about how great he is. It has been a nice break from him. Yawn!

Anonymous said...

Yay! It's still all bout me!! Signed, Rog

Anonymous said...

I quit getting the Tribune. Used to get it when my mom had a subscription. She quit when they took out Clere's column. I can see why. Nothing in there but drivel. His opponent did cry. I was over there helping serve drinks and stuff. It appears that Sipes told her she was doing good and would probably win and kept her going but the polls never had her anywhere near Clere. She's a definite union hawk. Couldn't talk about anything but unions and schools and women. It was sad to tell you the truth. But not sad enough to vote for because Ed Clere is the one person around here who really works with everyone. I've seen it.

If Rog is on here he might as well confess what he did in the garage. What was that, eh? If it's what I heard it was, it was pretty sick.

Anonymous said...

Oh, who knows. He was probably making moonshine.

Anonymous said...

Yeh I heard Connie knwe all along. she's a such a lier.

Anonymous said...

Rog is a drunk. He was always a drunk. What he did in the garage was problably to make beer and stand there and pee in it.Maybe after that he gave it to one of his buddies. Who knows? Who cares?

Anonymous said...

Clere got best by 800 voted in the city. It was in the Tribune.

Anonymous said...

You mean he got "beat" by 800 votes in the city. It was on the website. Proofread!

Anonymous said...

Who the heck cares? Numbers of votes Clere didn't get. What are you, worried about it? And this garage story. Whatever he did in the garage, Rog probably got over it long ago. What are you talking about crap like that when we have a draconian power-grubbing nut for mayor?

Anonymous said...

This garage story sounds like nonsense to me. Unless someone was hurt, tortured or killed there, I don't care what happened. Haven't we all had crazy episodes in our youth that we might regret and want to experience differently today?

Anonymous said...

Can anyone update me on the parks deal?

Anonymous said...

I don't know, 10:45, I'm kind of curious about the garage story, although I agree with you that it's nonsense.

Anonymous said...

The parks deal is over....

Anonymous said...

Can we please put the allusions to "the garage story" to sleep?

This is silly and I consider this to be a reputable blog, even if it does get a little out of control sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Just read the Freedom of Speech blog..yes, they really nail it, though I am less of an enthusiast of Gardineauer

What she said about Steve Burks cracks me up...let's hope he shows up @ the County Council meetings..but he probably will so he can scare Satan out of the meetings w/ his holy roller prayin'

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU – Councilwoman Shirley Baird for sponsoring the ordinance that would make City records easily accessible to the public.

SHAME ON YOU - Councilman Dan Coffey, Councilman Pat McLaughlin and Councilwoman Greg Phipps for voting against making it easier for the citizens to access City records.

Anonymous said...

what happens in the garage stays in the garage right rog.


Anonymous said...

GARAGE STORY???? This is certainly scintillating. You remember, of course, that King Larry used to host a precinct in his garage. Seems to be a theme around here.

Anonymous said...

It's funny you should mention that, because Rog has come clean.

Anonymous said...

Using Astroglide Condoms?

Anonymous said...

I dont get the gavel thing but it sounds pretty interesting to me. Tell us more.

Anonymous said...

What are you all talking about? How old are you people? Who cares about what Baylor did in high school? In fact I bet we don't want to know.

Astroglide condoms are cheap. Don't use that kind, please. They've been known to tear easily because of all the lubricant. Health Dept no longer gives out that brand because I think they recalled them.

Anonymous said...

Mr Scott Blair you need not to speak for the city on the parks. The mayor needs to be the one your way out of line.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone put an application in for the city parks board yet. Of course the mayor says it was not in his plan. Another lie !

Anonymous said...

11:26 You cant stop there please continue the story. If they really are from the old FC days. LOL

Anonymous said...

The county acccused the Mayor of advertising for Parks Board Members in the paper. There were no advertisements. Diane B. accused the Mayor of advertising as well.
Another lie.
The city did not advertise for Parks Board Members.
Get your lies straight.

Anonymous said...

It's easy enough to find out for sure. Where did they supposedly advertise?

Anonymous said...

It was in his plan released by the tribune. But denied that being in there.

Anonymous said...

Being in the plan and advertising are two different things.

Anonymous said...

No it's not . It said I am taking applications now to serve on the board for the new Albany parks board. Another one he will control.

Anonymous said...

Good luck controlling the Parks, Gahan. You'll never do it. You'll just let them go to rot and there won't be anything to control.

Anonymous said...

Baird and Benedetti the twin bitches. They are Tea Bagger Bitches. Vote the skanks out.

Anonymous said...

E Kersey. Why don't you run for office again you rotten bitch. You and that nasty old butch vickey Denhart can't win for dig catchers.

Anonymous said...

Lord, you are a vile person. I dare you to say that to Vickie's face.

Anonymous said...

Amen. What a couple of nasty comments. Maybe you'd like to say that out in public right to their faces? Those were two vile posts.

Anonymous said...

I can't get close enough to Denhart to say something to her face. She wreaks of Bud Light and Marlboros

Anonymous said...

Baylor, you need to loosen up those tighty whities.