Thank you - Veterans
THANK YOU – Councilwoman Shirley Baird for sponsoring the ordinance that would make City records easily accessible to the public.
SHAME ON YOU - Councilman Dan Coffey, Councilman Pat McLaughlin and Councilwoman Greg Phipps for voting against making it easier for the citizens to access City records.
Thank you veterans. The newly formed Human Rights Commission is charged (I understand) with monitoring complaints regarding discrimination based on military service/veteran status.
Veterans need to be honored for what they have done for our country
Will wrote: Leave it to Coffey, McLaughlin and Phipps to vote AGAINST centralizing record-keeping. Hardy-har-har. Guffaw. HEEEEE---HAWWWWWW. What do they want, LESS accountability and LESS transparency?
Never mind. I know the answer. November 9, 2012, 3:25 PM
Why is Connie Sipes talking with Gahan when she is bashing him all over town. Connie is always talking about someone. Put a fork in her she is done, nobody respects her anymore. Cochran on that same boat.
Why does the mayors wife get to drive our city vehicle he has and use the gas we pay for. Hey Susie drive your own vehicle . Seen her everywhere today driving it.
Gahan is stupid. That's true. Gahan's wife is a bitch. Also true. The Obamas are not like them though. Barack is smart and Michelle is nice. You may not like him as President, but the truth is that they're both smart and they're both nice. Gahan, who I voted for, is a nincompoop and his wife is nasty. She looks like someone trying for the heroin chic look (out of style now since the late 90's), and she's mean and gossipy. I don't like being around her and neither do most of my friends. And I'm pretty sure Gahan's habit of slipping in late and out early to things is a result of Susie's coaching him because he difinitely doesn't think for himself. It's pretty obvious that people have to tell him everything. Mostly Nash tells him. He's certainly no leader worthy of being compared with the Obamas.
suzie is the worst first lady "bitch" in new albany history, a terrible teacher and principal, stupid, arrogant and a backstabber, just wait ole jeffy boy after you are thrown out of office she will dump your pathetic ass because we all know she has been the major bread winner till the voters of new albany foolishly made you mayor
I know! I wonder if they go to church first and then say them , or do they say all the mean things they can gossip about, and then go to pray about it. Hard to say. Either way, they are nasty.
twas the night before christmas and all through the third floor not a creature was stirring not even Gahan and his political whore. For all the crooks were cooking the books and the gahan elves dreamed of sugar plum phipps as Santa Wilcox called on dasher, on pat the red nosed drunk we have free gifts galore for all who will be the mayor's political whore.
and to all a good night, one day all of gahan's dirty deeds will come to light!
I agree. If we shut down local businesses, then we can be monopolized by the same multinational corporations that gave money to Romney. That's me, baby. I'm in.
Your right Connie sipes and Lamar Dowell meeting to pick the next leaders for our party. That is digusting. Dowell thinks he can run the party and have control because of his money. He wasnt even for Gahan he was for Stumler wasn't he?
White envelopes about for what? His deal with the chief of poice? His deal with Nash? Which one? Maybe he bouht a stash of Astroglide condoms. Whatever, Gahan's messedup.
Whatever. This blog is messed up. Total trash. Not relevant. It is so funny...always saying "keep it classy, kitchen table" and it is the most stupid and no class garbage around.
We let Connie pick this last candidate for state representative. She flunked that test. You can count on us not doing it again. It might as well be known that the inner circle is fed up with her. She's a dried up old ____ (fill in the blank).
Wow. All this babbling and no one remembering to thank the veterans. Shame on all of you people, most of whom are old enough to be my parents.
THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAVE SERVED AND ARE SERVING. This is not something I would find hard to do. I go to IUS and I would hate to give that up. But I realize that's pretty selfish. I realize that I and everyone in this country, owe YOU our way of life. Thank you!
the white envelopes are real. I don't care haw not classy you think we are, the white envelopes are for real.Gahan, Nash, Gibson, Rosenbarger. Their a bunch of crooks. Why do you say where not classy? We may not be like you but we tellthe truth.
Looks like the council is shoring up some budget shortfalls on Thursday night. What happen to Gahan touting in the paper that he was not going to need any money. Where are you Daniel .
Believe it or not, the GOP just might be the answer to our problems. I don't trust ANY Democrat anymore. Ever since I started voting for some Republicans, I started liking people I'm voting for. I realized I didn't like my choices for a long time before that. It's wrong.
Rebecca Gardenour for Mayor? She'd do a great job, but we need her on the school board. Did you know that the school board spends more money and supervises more employees than the city and county combined? Someone tole me that recently and I had not thought of that before. For that reason we need to keep Mrs. Gardenour exactly where she is. The mayor has less power and influence. Seems stupid, but it's true.
And don't ask Connie Sipes. She ran a candidate that told lies and made us look like idiots. I don't want her to be in charge of anything else any more.
Sipes is an idiot. And a dried up old 'prune' (I'd pick a different word). She needs to get over her obsessions and she needs to butt out of trying to find candidates. We don't like her or her candidates.
Maybe you should run. I bet you would be a great representative for New Albany. You have such superior writing skills and a way with words! Plus, you are so kind, I am sure the public would love you! Are you old enough though? Are you out of middle school?
Sipes. Can't you people talk about someone worthwhile? Can't stand Sipes. Her husband is a moron. Real dummy. After Connie and Stephen had their dramatic love affair Steve Sipes pretended not to know anything was going on. Either that or he didn't know. Either way he's stupid.
That's disgusting. Even for Sipes. Her secret lovers have not included Roger. Her discussion with her campaign pick on Election Night was certainly interesting. Couldn't keep from listening. Sounds like Connie's also a liar. But even that doesn't make her low-down enough to sleep with Roger.
Maybe we should all congratulate meatball since she will be the new HR person for the city. Gahan is bringing in another Controller. I guess the meatball found her level of incompetence so she has to be moved to another job she is not qualified for. Maybe then the city can reduce the controller's bond back down to where it should be. A half million dollar bond is a bit much.
the meatball and mama meatball are both hacks, the state needs to investigate both of them, might find a litte extra sauce got put away somewhere for gahan and his gang of crooks who made him mayor, just follow the money trail bet it goes all the way out to budd road
This "meatball" person you keep talking about has a name. Mary Ann. You are right that she has problems balancing the books and has no business working there. You are right that she's in with the "inner circle." You are right about some of her other habits, like growing pot at her house. But she has a name. If you can't spell Prestigiacomo, theh write Mary Ann because that's her name. Tooke me forever to figure out who "meatball" is.
Gahan is too busy giving awards to teachers to bother to be taking care of other things in New Albany. The other night I drove past the parking garage down on Market adn I saw Ed and Amy Clere out there putting up lights. there were some other people, but why in the world wouldn' Jeff be out there helping them? I don't get why the Gahans don't care about the city. It's obvious the Cleres do. Ed Clere for Mayor!
Seems like Gahan is up to some shit. Just the other day he went before the Horse Shoe Board trying to strong Arm them for funds for a new ballpark. Damn Jeff, you don't bite the hand that feeds you. What a total dumb ass he is...
The teachers would never invite Clere to any event that would celebrate education. They know how much he hates public school teachers and kids. He would be the first to show up for a corporate event though. Real estate, construction, private companies are his favorites! If his wife joins him, you can bet she will be wearing one of his old sweaters too.
The teachers never invite Clere to anything, I'll bet. How else could they not know how much he loves public school teachers and kids. Sounds like you're trying to create your own myth there, Susie. Your jealousy and wickedness are showing. It's amazing that you get on here like this instead of doing the right thing and putting up lights in town. Kudos to the Cleres for being willing to help out, no matter how tedious a task. I like them both.
Hey 5:55, I got one of those 'old sweaters.' Don't you go around calling my favorite sweatshirt "old". I'm proud of mine. If Mrs. Clere is too, good for her.
Wow. We've got a little angst here, haven't we? My, my. "Since when should" Mrs. Gahan hang lights? Seems like Mrs. Gahan should be helping out the city. Guess she's too arrogant for that (but I already suspected that since she hasn't bothered to speak to us down here).
I liked Matt Denison who was NEVER, EVER above hanging lights all over downtown, even without pay. Matt was more than his weight in gold, yet he did a lot of what he did off the clock and without charge to the taxpayer. As far as I'm concerned, MATT DENNISON is TOP NOTCH! As for Ed Clere, if he was doing lights, then I wish I would have voted for him instead of listening to that old lady berate him and convince me he was for "mega schools." Next time I will. I should have listened to FOS. GO ED CLERE! Thanks for the lights.
Gahan can apparently add the New Albany Fire Museum to the list of entities he cares nothing about. Showed up last night at the Fire Museum Chili Cook-Off by slipping in the side door, standing along the wall and talking to some firemen, and then slipping out without talking with anyone else. People all over the room were talking about it. Clearly he doesn't care about this great asset to NA.
As for Mrs. Gahan helping put up Christmas lights, yes, she SHOULD. She think she's above doing that, does she? It wouldn't be new for her not to care about NA. Unless it has to do with the schools, she couldn't care less.
Jeff Gahan had a lot of help from people all over the city when he got elected. He's shoving it back in people's faces. This kind of conduct doesn't go unrewarded on election day.
You can count on losing by a landslide, even if it's Roger Baylor that runs against you, Jeff. You will lose by a landslide to the lowest of the low if you run for reelection. You can count on that.
She won't be able to help put up Christmas light's. Our good New Albany Fireman have already done it. I saw they had Bank street blocked yesterday and were putting up light's on a building. Maybe she can help take them down after Christmas. But i bet that won't happen.
I have looked through all of the old posts from the last two years in November. No place did it mention the First Lady hanging lights. How would she even know? I am sure none of you fine people even included her in your light it up party. Ease up. Your claws are showing, girls.
First Lady. LOL. We're not talking about Michelle Obama! We're talking about the mayor's wife! Oh, and you sure are worried about this, Susie. Imagine taking the time to go through all the old posts in November.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
I thought you were supposed to be leading the teachers and bossing around kids. Isn't that your job?
Shelley England helped put up lights and worked on Develope New Albany and did all kinds of stuff. Some people might say she was too much in the cities things but I say she was good to show us she cared. Susie Gahan is from a generation that don't care no how about nothing but whatever it is that makes her look good and get a promotion in her school job which is not to help the city.
Remember that old saying, "If you can, do, and if you can't, teach." Fits Susie to a T. She can't, so she's holed up at the school all day. She doesn't help with podunk things like lights because she can't. It's not her fault.
Sounds more to me like they're "ate up" with contempt. But what do I know. Mrs. Gahan is not much as far as I've noticed. Doesn't add much to Gahan's administration, not even a pretty face. But then it would take a lot more than an attractive and active wife to make up for Gahan's big mess in the city. That's the point. Gahan is what my kids would call an "epic fail." End of story.
Agreed, 4:35. Epic fail is a good way to put this administration. Also, I happen to know that the former "first lady" was also helping put up lights one evening. Interesting. The deposed mayor and his wife were spotted in NA helping put up lights. Might have been the same evening the Cleres were there. I've seen a several people down there including, Barksdale the historian, Stephanie Griffith and her kids, Clere and his wife and kids. Who cares about NA? It's obvious.
Wait a minute Susie said the kids did not get the email from one southern Indiana about the parks. Susie that is not acting like a lady at all or a principle in my book. I really don't care what you look like or if you put Christmas lights up. If you are going to say something and its smart leading on the side of being a smart ass, please don't speak.
To me it's the whole package. I remember her saying that. She said that the kids didn't get the message from 1SI. Well, what poor kid in the inner city is ever going to get a message from anyone, schools, chamber of commerce, anyone? They won't. And what about what Gahan himself said about no kids being there at that meeting. No kids, eh? Well, on a school night, at around 8:30 or 9:00, kids should be HOME. H-O-M-E! Besides, I saw some kids there at the meeting earlier. Dont' know who they were, but they were there. It's true.
Problem is, Gahan and his wife and the thugs from the third floor want to convince all of us that truth is lies and that lies is truth. THAT is what makes me think very little of our mayor and his wife. They lie and they don't listen. To anyone.
As for putting lights out on a bush, well, I think it would be mighty nice if our mayor and his wife DID start doing stuff like that. MAYOR ENGLAND AND SHELLE DID!!!! What's that tell you? Even THEY helped around with the little chores around the city. Like them or not, they made NA a better place to live in. Not so, the Gahans. They live out in a neighborhood on the outskirts of town and couldn't care less about the city.
Doug and Shelle were always drunk and even THEY were better citizens of New Albany. I think that's the point they were trying to make... Even a drunk couple represents NA better than the Gahans.
They were there about five minutes and then got a few drinks. Doesn't make them better citizens... only more dangerous on the road. I guess the former chief could go pick them up....
A long time ago, a bunch of friends met up in a certain someone's garage for some fun and games. Things got a little crazy. Roger knows. That's all I'm saying.
That guy up there a few comments ago had it right: Even a DRUNK couple represents NA better than the Gahans. Both of them have their faces stained with you know what from having their heads up their own asses. Will happily vote Gahan out of office in three years. Meantime I'm NOT going to watch the tree lighting.
No. That guy's not an idiot. Let the one who calls people idiot own his title. That guy is right. England was drunk, boorish, egocentric, attention seeking, dishonest and a whole lot of other bad things, but even I would rather have him back. Whatever is going on with Gahan is nothing but evil and it's a whole lot more sinister than anything England did. Gahan won't take phone calls from the group that saw that he made it into office. Something is very wrong with that.
And there's more to it than that. Gahan isn't at all smart. He's ignorant and stupid. He's at the beck and call of a nasty someone. Dont' know if it's Warren Nash or who it is, but someone is in charge of the city and it's not Gahan. It's evil.
Amen, to that. Gahan is a troubled man. If it wasn't for everyone else that does stuff for the city, all those unthanked volunteers, NA would be in the gutter again. Thank God for the volunteers!
Thank you - Veterans
THANK YOU – Councilwoman Shirley Baird for sponsoring the ordinance that would make City records easily accessible to the public.
SHAME ON YOU - Councilman Dan Coffey, Councilman Pat McLaughlin and Councilwoman Greg Phipps for voting against making it easier for the citizens to access City records.
Thank you Veterans. Your service is the reason we have the freedom to read this blog and write on here.
Thank you veterans. The newly formed Human Rights Commission is charged (I understand) with monitoring complaints regarding discrimination based on military service/veteran status.
Veterans need to be honored for what they have done for our country
Human Right Commission charged with monitoring complaints about gays.
Will wrote:
Leave it to Coffey, McLaughlin and Phipps to vote AGAINST centralizing record-keeping. Hardy-har-har. Guffaw. HEEEEE---HAWWWWWW. What do they want, LESS accountability and LESS transparency?
Never mind. I know the answer.
November 9, 2012, 3:25 PM
now you know Phipps will monitor veterans human rights complaints he likes a guy in uniform, oh sorry greg R but you're not the only flag he salutes
Why is Connie Sipes talking with Gahan when she is bashing him all over town. Connie is always talking about someone. Put a fork in her she is done, nobody respects her anymore. Cochran on that same boat.
sipes has an overinflated opinion of her importance. She is a nobody and never was. I isnt Paul Etheridge related to her?
I have never heard Sipes say anything negative about him. You are making up more lies. As usual.
sipes is the nancy pelosi of new albany: A Nobody
Well, I HAVE heard her say negative things about Gahan. So there.
I will add that she's real sneaky. She gushes up to Susie and Jeff like they're buddies, then complains about him.
You're right 8:38, she's the Nancy Pelosi of NA.
Don't forget about the incident that occurred in broad daylight in the garage, Rog. You always were full of derring-do!
are you just going to get on with it and tell us what the h@ll you're talking about?
Whoever made the response that sipes doesn't talk and bash Gahan is totally wrong . Come on
Why does the mayors wife get to drive our city vehicle he has and use the gas we pay for. Hey Susie drive your own vehicle . Seen her everywhere today driving it.
I wonder if Jim Meeks is doing the Gahan family hair for free. I know they would not pay his price!
Wow. You are quite the stalker. Scary stuff for the Mayor and his family.
She drives a black Prius with an Obama sticker. I see her in that car all of the time.
suzie meeks isnt worth a damn at doing hair, he has been the biggest salon myth in new albany's history. I bet he does more that hair for GAYhan
Yay! Another middle schooler on the blog. You are pathetic.
The person who knows what she drives must of wrote this.
Gahan is boring. His wife is less than boring.
gahan is stupid and his wife is a bitch, kind of like the Obama's
Gahan is stupid. That's true.
Gahan's wife is a bitch. Also true.
The Obamas are not like them though.
Barack is smart and Michelle is nice. You may not like him as President, but the truth is that they're both smart and they're both nice. Gahan, who I voted for, is a nincompoop and his wife is nasty. She looks like someone trying for the heroin chic look (out of style now since the late 90's), and she's mean and gossipy. I don't like being around her and neither do most of my friends. And I'm pretty sure Gahan's habit of slipping in late and out early to things is a result of Susie's coaching him because he difinitely doesn't think for himself. It's pretty obvious that people have to tell him everything. Mostly Nash tells him. He's certainly no leader worthy of being compared with the Obamas.
...seen her everywhere? God you people are dumb.
"I've" seen her.
I've understood.
suzie is the worst first lady "bitch" in new albany history, a terrible teacher and principal, stupid, arrogant and a backstabber, just wait ole jeffy boy after you are thrown out of office she will dump your pathetic ass because we all know she has been the major bread winner till the voters of new albany foolishly made you mayor
Ohhh.... I see all of the mean fattys came out to play!
I know! I wonder if they go to church first and then say them , or do they say all the mean things they can gossip about, and then go to pray about it. Hard to say. Either way, they are nasty.
Michelle Obama. Nice? Are you friggin nuts? I guess she again proud of her country (second time in her life). They stole another election.
Sipes, Nash, Moeller, Wilcox, Gibson, and others are done in this town. Them crooked bastards.
sipes is a commie, hanoi connie
So what's with this crap 'Buy Local' on Nov.23? When Rog sells outside of NA. Talk about a double standard.
What's the saying? Do as I say NOT as I do?
Boycott all local businesses. Let's shut them all down.
twas the night before christmas and all through the third floor not a creature was stirring not even Gahan and his political whore. For all the crooks were cooking the books and the gahan elves dreamed of sugar plum phipps as Santa Wilcox called on dasher, on pat the red nosed drunk we have free gifts galore for all who will be the mayor's political whore.
and to all a good night, one day all of gahan's dirty deeds will come to light!
Ho Ho Ho!
I agree. If we shut down local businesses, then we can be monopolized by the same multinational corporations that gave money to Romney. That's me, baby. I'm in.
yeh do tell rog
Please stop posting about what Roger does. He's gross.
Your right Connie sipes and Lamar Dowell meeting to pick the next leaders for our party. That is digusting. Dowell thinks he can run the party and have control because of his money. He wasnt even for Gahan he was for Stumler wasn't he?
Those white envelopes flowing .ask Gahan what he is using.
White envelopes about for what? His deal with the chief of poice? His deal with Nash? Which one? Maybe he bouht a stash of Astroglide condoms. Whatever, Gahan's messedup.
Whatever. This blog is messed up. Total trash. Not relevant. It is so funny...always saying "keep it classy, kitchen table" and it is the most stupid and no class garbage around.
Hanoi Connie Sipes for mayor, the commies choice.
We let Connie pick this last candidate for state representative. She flunked that test. You can count on us not doing it again. It might as well be known that the inner circle is fed up with her. She's a dried up old ____ (fill in the blank).
Wow. All this babbling and no one remembering to thank the veterans. Shame on all of you people, most of whom are old enough to be my parents.
THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAVE SERVED AND ARE SERVING. This is not something I would find hard to do. I go to IUS and I would hate to give that up. But I realize that's pretty selfish. I realize that I and everyone in this country, owe YOU our way of life. Thank you!
your right
thanks to the VETS!
the white envelopes are real. I don't care haw not classy you think we are, the white envelopes are for real.Gahan, Nash, Gibson, Rosenbarger. Their a bunch of crooks. Why do you say where not classy? We may not be like you but we tellthe truth.
I hope no Veterans see the remarks on here. Too depressing to think of the sacrifices they make so people can write trash on a stupid blog.
Looks like the council is shoring up some budget shortfalls on Thursday night. What happen to Gahan touting in the paper that he was not going to need any money. Where are you Daniel .
imagine that! the administration has overspent again! Hmmmm.
cant hide the facts any longer meatball
This administration is just a continuation of the last one. They want to run roughshod over the people, the very people they pretend that they help.
We need a better GOP organization in the city...Mark Seabrook for Mayor in 2015...
Believe it or not, the GOP just might be the answer to our problems. I don't trust ANY Democrat anymore. Ever since I started voting for some Republicans, I started liking people I'm voting for. I realized I didn't like my choices for a long time before that. It's wrong.
Meatball for mayor!
I will work and support Gardenour how about you?
Perry County went for Obama this time because there are so many people there who depend on government handouts.
Rebecca Gardenour for Mayor? She'd do a great job, but we need her on the school board. Did you know that the school board spends more money and supervises more employees than the city and county combined? Someone tole me that recently and I had not thought of that before. For that reason we need to keep Mrs. Gardenour exactly where she is. The mayor has less power and influence. Seems stupid, but it's true.
And don't ask Connie Sipes. She ran a candidate that told lies and made us look like idiots. I don't want her to be in charge of anything else any more.
Sipes is an idiot. And a dried up old 'prune' (I'd pick a different word). She needs to get over her obsessions and she needs to butt out of trying to find candidates. We don't like her or her candidates.
Maybe you should run. I bet you would be a great representative for New Albany. You have such superior writing skills and a way with words! Plus, you are so kind, I am sure the public would love you! Are you old enough though? Are you out of middle school?
Hanoi Sipes, the has been commie
Sipes. Can't you people talk about someone worthwhile? Can't stand Sipes. Her husband is a moron. Real dummy. After Connie and Stephen had their dramatic love affair Steve Sipes pretended not to know anything was going on. Either that or he didn't know. Either way he's stupid.
At least you're not talking about Roger's garage. Roger's even dummer than Sipes.
Although Roger does spell it correctly: Dumber. That's what we get from Romney voters, I guess.
maybe sipes had a love affair with roger in the garage. she can't spell dummer so he helped her.
That's disgusting. Even for Sipes. Her secret lovers have not included Roger. Her discussion with her campaign pick on Election Night was certainly interesting. Couldn't keep from listening. Sounds like Connie's also a liar. But even that doesn't make her low-down enough to sleep with Roger.
They may not be getting any brighter, and they may be full of malice, but you've gotta admit, Roger, they're entertaining.
Maybe we should all congratulate meatball since she will be the new HR person for the city. Gahan is bringing in another Controller. I guess the meatball found her level of incompetence so she has to be moved to another job she is not qualified for. Maybe then the city can reduce the controller's bond back down to where it should be. A half million dollar bond is a bit much.
Prestigiacomo is an inner circle hack. She needs to go.
Rog is all excited about us writing about him and the garage story. where's that guy who started all this? We want to know the rest of it.
i hear meatball is just like mama meatbal and can't reconcile a bank statement either. thats why council still hasnt gotten any financial records.
the meatball and mama meatball are both hacks, the state needs to investigate both of them, might find a litte extra sauce got put away somewhere for gahan and his gang of crooks who made him mayor, just follow the money trail bet it goes all the way out to budd road
hey etheridge did you learn voter fraud from hanoi connie?
fork you baylor
This "meatball" person you keep talking about has a name. Mary Ann. You are right that she has problems balancing the books and has no business working there. You are right that she's in with the "inner circle." You are right about some of her other habits, like growing pot at her house. But she has a name. If you can't spell Prestigiacomo, theh write Mary Ann because that's her name. Tooke me forever to figure out who "meatball" is.
Gahan you better stay close to the teachers, they really don't have time to learn your true colors. It will unfold soon enough.
Obama says you all can suck it.
Gahan is too busy giving awards to teachers to bother to be taking care of other things in New Albany. The other night I drove past the parking garage down on Market adn I saw Ed and Amy Clere out there putting up lights. there were some other people, but why in the world wouldn' Jeff be out there helping them? I don't get why the Gahans don't care about the city. It's obvious the Cleres do. Ed Clere for Mayor!
Seems like Gahan is up to some shit. Just the other day he went before the Horse Shoe Board trying to strong Arm them for funds for a new ballpark. Damn Jeff, you don't bite the hand that feeds you. What a total dumb ass he is...
I support Becky Gardenour for mayor. She's got brains, guts, style and class. And that's what New Albany needs.
The teachers would never invite Clere to any event that would celebrate education. They know how much he hates public school teachers and kids. He would be the first to show up for a corporate event though. Real estate, construction, private companies are his favorites! If his wife joins him, you can bet she will be wearing one of his old sweaters too.
Gosh, I just read FOS. Sorry to hear about your loss Matt. Your Uncle Larry was a great man.
A great post. I knew Larry Denison when he was a Fire Chief. He was a good man and helped everyone who crossed his path.
Putting up lights is a good job for him. Maybe he will actually see the light someday.
The teachers never invite Clere to anything, I'll bet. How else could they not know how much he loves public school teachers and kids. Sounds like you're trying to create your own myth there, Susie. Your jealousy and wickedness are showing. It's amazing that you get on here like this instead of doing the right thing and putting up lights in town. Kudos to the Cleres for being willing to help out, no matter how tedious a task. I like them both.
I also like Matt Denison and thought a lot of his uncle Larry. Sorry for your loss, Matt (if you read this).
What has he done? Since when should she be hanging lights in a parking garage? You people are just mean.
that gahan hag doesn't do much I can tell you. She should be hanging her head in shame.
Hey 5:55, I got one of those 'old sweaters.' Don't you go around calling my favorite sweatshirt "old". I'm proud of mine. If Mrs. Clere is too, good for her.
Wow. We've got a little angst here, haven't we? My, my. "Since when should" Mrs. Gahan hang lights? Seems like Mrs. Gahan should be helping out the city. Guess she's too arrogant for that (but I already suspected that since she hasn't bothered to speak to us down here).
I liked Matt Denison who was NEVER, EVER above hanging lights all over downtown, even without pay. Matt was more than his weight in gold, yet he did a lot of what he did off the clock and without charge to the taxpayer. As far as I'm concerned, MATT DENNISON is TOP NOTCH! As for Ed Clere, if he was doing lights, then I wish I would have voted for him instead of listening to that old lady berate him and convince me he was for "mega schools." Next time I will. I should have listened to FOS. GO ED CLERE! Thanks for the lights.
Gahan can apparently add the New Albany Fire Museum to the list of entities he cares nothing about. Showed up last night at the Fire Museum Chili Cook-Off by slipping in the side door, standing along the wall and talking to some firemen, and then slipping out without talking with anyone else. People all over the room were talking about it. Clearly he doesn't care about this great asset to NA.
As for Mrs. Gahan helping put up Christmas lights, yes, she SHOULD. She think she's above doing that, does she? It wouldn't be new for her not to care about NA. Unless it has to do with the schools, she couldn't care less.
Jeff Gahan had a lot of help from people all over the city when he got elected. He's shoving it back in people's faces. This kind of conduct doesn't go unrewarded on election day.
You can count on losing by a landslide, even if it's Roger Baylor that runs against you, Jeff. You will lose by a landslide to the lowest of the low if you run for reelection. You can count on that.
She won't be able to help put up Christmas light's. Our good New Albany Fireman have already done it. I saw they had Bank street blocked yesterday and were putting up light's on a building. Maybe she can help take them down after Christmas. But i bet that won't happen.
I have looked through all of the old posts from the last two years in November. No place did it mention the First Lady hanging lights. How would she even know? I am sure none of you fine people even included her in your light it up party. Ease up. Your claws are showing, girls.
First Lady. LOL. We're not talking about Michelle Obama! We're talking about the mayor's wife! Oh, and you sure are worried about this, Susie. Imagine taking the time to go through all the old posts in November.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
I thought you were supposed to be leading the teachers and bossing around kids. Isn't that your job?
She also thinks she can insult us by calling us 'girls.' Yell, right.
Shelley England helped put up lights and worked on Develope New Albany and did all kinds of stuff. Some people might say she was too much in the cities things but I say she was good to show us she cared. Susie Gahan is from a generation that don't care no how about nothing but whatever it is that makes her look good and get a promotion in her school job which is not to help the city.
Leave it to Susie Gahan to refer to herself as "the First Lady." Wow.
Maybe it means she is the first lady to say she's the first lady. Must be that
Remember that old saying, "If you can, do, and if you can't, teach." Fits Susie to a T. She can't, so she's holed up at the school all day. She doesn't help with podunk things like lights because she can't. It's not her fault.
Yawn. So jealous. It is too funny! Hahaha!
I can't imagine anyone being "jealous" of Susie. That heroin chic look is not good.
Yep. Ate up with jealousy. Hahaha. Still laughing!
Sounds more to me like they're "ate up" with contempt. But what do I know. Mrs. Gahan is not much as far as I've noticed. Doesn't add much to Gahan's administration, not even a pretty face. But then it would take a lot more than an attractive and active wife to make up for Gahan's big mess in the city. That's the point. Gahan is what my kids would call an "epic fail." End of story.
Agreed, 4:35. Epic fail is a good way to put this administration. Also, I happen to know that the former "first lady" was also helping put up lights one evening. Interesting. The deposed mayor and his wife were spotted in NA helping put up lights. Might have been the same evening the Cleres were there. I've seen a several people down there including, Barksdale the historian, Stephanie Griffith and her kids, Clere and his wife and kids. Who cares about NA? It's obvious.
Wait a minute Susie said the kids did not get the email from one southern Indiana about the parks. Susie that is not acting like a lady at all or a principle in my book. I really don't care what you look like or if you put Christmas lights up. If you are going to say something and its smart leading on the side of being a smart ass, please don't speak.
Funny how you old fat gossips think you are so great because you threw a strand of lights on a bush. I agree. You are jealous.
To me it's the whole package. I remember her saying that. She said that the kids didn't get the message from 1SI. Well, what poor kid in the inner city is ever going to get a message from anyone, schools, chamber of commerce, anyone? They won't. And what about what Gahan himself said about no kids being there at that meeting. No kids, eh? Well, on a school night, at around 8:30 or 9:00, kids should be HOME. H-O-M-E! Besides, I saw some kids there at the meeting earlier. Dont' know who they were, but they were there. It's true.
Problem is, Gahan and his wife and the thugs from the third floor want to convince all of us that truth is lies and that lies is truth. THAT is what makes me think very little of our mayor and his wife. They lie and they don't listen. To anyone.
As for putting lights out on a bush, well, I think it would be mighty nice if our mayor and his wife DID start doing stuff like that. MAYOR ENGLAND AND SHELLE DID!!!! What's that tell you? Even THEY helped around with the little chores around the city. Like them or not, they made NA a better place to live in. Not so, the Gahans. They live out in a neighborhood on the outskirts of town and couldn't care less about the city.
Doug and Shelle were always drunk. Total embarrassment. How quickly you forget.
They care because they put up Christmas lights.
Doug and Shelle were always drunk and even THEY were better citizens of New Albany. I think that's the point they were trying to make...
Even a drunk couple represents NA better than the Gahans.
If you are going to write about a smart ass, be smarter. It is principal, not principle. God you people are dumb.
They were there about five minutes and then got a few drinks. Doesn't make them better citizens... only more dangerous on the road. I guess the former chief could go pick them up....
They are dumb. Jealous too.Great laugh watching them try make an argument out of a strand of lights. Idiots.
shelle doesnt get picked up for drunk driving Benedetti set a precedent for democrat women drunks to get a catre blanche
At least we're not talking about Roger's garage story. Whatever happened with that by the way?
At least we're not talking about Roger's garage story. Whatever happened with that by the way?
At least we're not talking about Roger's garage story. Whatever happened with that by the way?
A long time ago, a bunch of friends met up in a certain someone's garage for some fun and games. Things got a little crazy. Roger knows. That's all I'm saying.
That guy up there a few comments ago had it right: Even a DRUNK couple represents NA better than the Gahans. Both of them have their faces stained with you know what from having their heads up their own asses. Will happily vote Gahan out of office in three years. Meantime I'm NOT going to watch the tree lighting.
A drunk couple representing you may be okay, but not me. Get your face out of Doug's ass and recall that he came in fourth behind Shirley Baird.
Believe me, drunk England is NOT ok with me, but he's still better than Gahan. What's that tell you?
That you are an idiot
No. That guy's not an idiot. Let the one who calls people idiot own his title. That guy is right. England was drunk, boorish, egocentric, attention seeking, dishonest and a whole lot of other bad things, but even I would rather have him back. Whatever is going on with Gahan is nothing but evil and it's a whole lot more sinister than anything England did. Gahan won't take phone calls from the group that saw that he made it into office. Something is very wrong with that.
And there's more to it than that. Gahan isn't at all smart. He's ignorant and stupid. He's at the beck and call of a nasty someone. Dont' know if it's Warren Nash or who it is, but someone is in charge of the city and it's not Gahan. It's evil.
Amen, to that. Gahan is a troubled man. If it wasn't for everyone else that does stuff for the city, all those unthanked volunteers, NA would be in the gutter again. Thank God for the volunteers!
What is up with those ugly black bowls on the sidewalks? Someone is going to fall over them.
More of Gahan's crap.
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