Friday, November 16, 2012

Another Day In Paradise!

Will someone please go help 10214 Bradford Road?  They must be in terrible distress, flying the American flag upside down.  Yes, it's an international symbol of distress, so we know they're in trouble.  Thanks.

Speaking of the election, we understand there were 30 absentee ballots tossed out of the 1st District on election day.  Usually this means the Precinct Chairs could not determine voter intent.  There are usually 3 to 5 absentees that may be tossed by a Precinct, but 30?  What's up with that?

Have a great weekend.  Our family is getting ready for Thanksgiving.  How about yours?


Concerned NA Citizen said...

Where is Bradford Rd.

Anonymous said...

Oh, brother. My brother thinks there are a couple hundred AT LEAST that should have been thrown out. Maybe more. That city district 1 is pretty suspect. If Vicki Denhart couldn't win it, nobody could win it unless Dan decrees it. King Danny. King of New Albany District 1.

Anonymous said...

It's out 150. Out in Greensville, off Georgetown-Greenville Road.

Anonymous said...

the american flag should hang upside down on the third floor, save us from hitler gahan

Anonymous said...

Your right if Denhart can't beat him NO one can. I heard it was 50 absentee ballots. Maybe that's why Coffey was bragging how good District 1 did in the General Election at last Thursday's Council meeting.

Hey Danny boy get a real job like the rest of us. Stop mooching off us taxpayers.

What about the over 300 absentee applications Etheridge had before he was arrested? I heard he was trying to find someone to take them off his hands.

His words NOT mine.

Anonymous said...

I heard there were well over 300 faked ballots. Where's the state investigator? I hope they thoroughly comb through the votes of District 1 in the city. And I mean THOROUGHLY. If Danny Boy and Linda think we're not watching them, they're quite mistaken. If the investigator is doing his job, he is too. Watching closely.

Anonymous said...

absentee ballots in exchange for twinkies

Anonymous said...

fried twinkies and Bbq bolgna, a west end combo special

Anonymous said...

Dan Coffey under no circumstances is a king. Dan takes things underneath the table and that's a fact. He is nothing about representing the city of new Albany. He is an embarrassment to this community. He is a thug and operates just like Gahan, Robinson , Dowell , Ginkins, Gibson. Just listen its embarrassing. Ginkins did not learn too much under England.

Anonymous said...

Coffey will be beat and that's a promise!!!!

Anonymous said...

The city of new Albany pays harvest homecoming $5000.00 to be part of it. And then harvest homecoming turns around and pays us a little to nothing for 24 hour police protection and fire for 4 days. Gahan it looks like your republican who supported you for mayor art Niemier , is pulling some wool over your eyes.

Anonymous said...

Gahan acts like a petulant child, hollers, "I won't be bullied," and then turns around and bullies everybody else. I'm sick and tired of him telling everyone else they're bullying him when he's the one who sets absolute rules, he's the one who says he'll meet and then doesn't, he's the one who pretends to be involved with the city when his wife calls the shots and gets him involved ONLY in the schools. Excuse me, PUBLIC schools. We sure wouldn't want to make the mistake of saying that our Catholic school-educated mayor gives a hoot about local Catholic schools. His wife calls the shots and she's nothing more than a militant teachers union hawk who tells lies and promotes them all over the place as fact. And THIS is who's running our city! We in District 2 won't stand for it any longer! It's time to get geared up to find a candidate to run against him next mayoral primary and beat him. He's a one-termer and the sooner our party can rally around someone decent, the better, because I guarantee you the Republicans will find someone sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

Too bad big Ed didn't take down his jumbo signs. Wow. Big ass fines!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Roger, you're obsessed and your toxicity is showing. LOL

Anonymous said...

wonder what paul etheridge wants for christmas, a plea bargain?

Anonymous said...

Etheridge is headin' to the pokey and good riddance.

Anonymous said...

So, which college are you going to take? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

I heard I heard I heard...that's all you a,l ever say. Morons.

Anonymous said...

santa dan bring me more gifts this year now that you have your elf gahan to do all your dirty work

Anonymous said...

Dan Coffey is disgusting.

Gahan and elf? ROFLMAO. Yes, he's an evil, mean elf.

Anonymous said...

At least we're not talking about Roger's garage story. Whatever happened to that by the way? Anybody ever hear from that guy about what really happened?

Anonymous said...

We will take up a collection for Ed. He's the best State Rep. we've ever had.

Anonymous said...

Clarksville is a bunch of idiots to think this sign attack on Mr. Clere will stick. I totally agree with you 5:50.

What's the big deal with typos everyone makes them all the time. Get a life folks.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Vicky enjoy your next six weeks in Europe. This is what happens when you have a real job, you enjoy the fruits of your own labor. House paid for, car paid for and vacations in Europe.

Eat you heart out Danny Boy and let's not forget 'Rog the Bully' too.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that, 5:53. Even the great Baylor makes them. Let it rest.

As for the Clarksville thing, I've been in on a few discussions about this. Clarksville Dems are definitely trying to put the screws on Clere. Read the story carefully. They want to impose the maximum fine. Really? Because they think they'll make an example out of Clere? Or is it because he's a Republican. Of course, it's because he's a Republican. It's nonsense. I may be a Democrat, but I'm not into making a case against a Republican just because he's a Republican. In fact, I'm glad we have Clere in that office. For the first time, anyone around here is even TALKING about our state representative and about state laws. Before Clere was elected, who knew anything that was going on? No one. And Clere's had to dodge all the daggers ever since he won, thrown at him, by the way, by PARTISAN POLITICS and the people who live by them. My take on the whole voting for a Republican thing is that I'd rather vote for a Republican who actually listens to the people and tries to engage them AND volunteers in the community, than vote for a Democrat just because he or she is a Demo. That's my take on the whole thing and that's why I have voted three times for Clere and, if he runs again, I will again. He's certainly the best state representative we've ever had. I've taken a lot of ribbing for supporting him but will keep on doing it.

Anonymous said...

Going to Europe, Vicki? Have fun? Post some pictures on your FB page, will ya?

Anonymous said...

this thanks giving let us give thanks that Baylor has no more political capital, so stuff it baylor and instead off eating a bird catch one out ot town forever

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Vicki you deserve all the fruits of your labor. You have earned it. I Love your photos on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

Get ready for this. I can't believe it myself. The Tribune has to give Rep Clere his column back, and I heard that since Debbie Harbison is gone, they'll let Baylor have her column and alternate it with Clere's. This is horrible. We need to write and call Shay van Hoy and tell him we're not going to take this crap.

Anonymous said...

I call BS. They couldn't wait to get rid of Rog last time, and Ed earns the right to have that space. This is just another stupid rumor.

Anonymous said...

Fluffinstuff starts his own rumors. It makes him feel important. Shay Van Hoy knows if he allows Fluffinstuff to write again it will be the downfall of The News & Tribune. Van Hoy wants his job folks.

Main Street said...

Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Hell that commie Baylor couldnt even get a writing gig for his beloved Prada, dream on baylor, you are a nobody and nobody wants to read your garbage unless you want to write a few garage stories!

Anonymous said...

Shay van Hoy won't even answer Baylor's tweets, so this dog won't hunt. Van Hoy is who you should be thanking, because he knows good and well that Ed Clere is more important. It's his bosses who wrote the rule about election columns, not Shay.

Anonymous said...

Rog is fixated on Clere. The suspense is killing him. Will "Parson Clere" be back in the editorial section or won't he. He's so obsessed with Clere it's almost sick.

Anonymous said...

I can see clerely now baylor is gone lol

Anonymous said...

One can only wish.

Anonymous said...

No. You don't have to wish. Baylor's column is definitely gone. He can't write in the column no matter how much he whines to Van Hoy. As for Clere, he might reappear. There's been no ban on Clere's column. A good thing since it was the best thing they had in the Tribune. Well-written, informative, interesting. Those columns were great!

Anonymous said...

The fact you people keep talking about Rog and his column is the best reason for the Tribune to run it. You complain, and you keep reading him. Isn't that what the newspaper wants?

Anonymous said...

No. Columns aren't written so people will complain and keep reading. Columns are written to inform. That's what makes Roger a non-journalist. He doesn't want to inform. He is the self-proclaimed "rattler of cages," which makes him someone who writes ONLY to incite and get attention. Roger has managed to irritate every single elected official and the only ones who get along with him are those who fear him enough that they give him attention and whatever he wants (such as Gahan). No. Roger's done in the Tribune and happy day it is, too!

Anonymous said...

Columns are written to entertain, because newspapers are published to sell and be read. Ask Shay, and see what he tells you.

Anonymous said...

I asked Shea. They're not written to "entertain," and even if they were, Roger's column entertained about five people: Roger and his gang of yes men.

Anonymous said...

I didn't ask Shay. Even I know that newspapers are for giving information. Duh.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

NAACP vote tonight ! Please come and support Marcia Booker for President.

Anonymous said...

I vote to ban the NAACP in New Albany

Anonymous said...

Especially if Nicole Yates is running it again

Anonymous said...

Yates suxs.

Anonymous said...

I like Marcia. who won?

Anonymous said...

I did not miss Ed Clere's column one bit. It was one big campaign commercial. It was inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

Who won? I dnd't even know they were having a meeting last night.

I don't know what your beef would be with Clere's column. I liked it a lot.

Anonymous said...

It makes me laugh that the people who comment here have an opinion about what is or isn't a well written column.

Clere's column was for the most part just cut and pasted from the house agenda or the GOP newsletter.

Anonymous said...

I loved Ed Clere's column. I wish that he and The Copperhead would write one together as a point / counter-point discussion. Now that would be entertaining!

Anonymous said...

Roger (and flunkies) your toxicity is showing. Looks like you can't stand for one simple compliment to go Clere's way. That's how it looks. That's how it is.

Anonymous said...

A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.

Anonymous said...

Roger ain't no rose. He stinks.

Just calling it like I see it.