Thursday, December 20, 2012


HO, HO, HO! 



Concerned NA Citizen said...

Back at ya

Anonymous said...

Happy Kwanzaa to all!

Anonymous said...

Well it seems the world isn't going to end so I am off to Walmart for some Christmas shopping.

That's right buy local shop Walmart.

Anonymous said...

Yep support China every time you walk in the store

Anonymous said...

We support China when we shop at Walmart?
Yep, how much money has the US borrowed from China? Don't you just wonder how much money in interest we have already paid them and more importantly - how much we still owe China? What happens if China won't give us any more money to borrow? What if China calls in all those loans?

Anonymous said...

shop local, walmart, pizza hut instead of Richo's, vics instead of NA swill house and tell those overpriced snob cafe's downtown to go back to louisville. Get a clue Baylor your socialist utopia of snobbery capitalism hidden by your phony rhetoric is finished in this town, fork you

Anonymous said...

Didn't take long for this to get back to being the Bsylor blog.

Anonymous said...

yep I think this person has sex with roger in their mind when they type about him. Get a blow up doll and can the baylor bashing.

Anonymous said...

fork you thrasher and your louisville dog

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you all period!

Anonymous said...

Free David Cam

Anonymous said...

Or for that matter, David CAMM.

Anonymous said...

fork you all you pergressives, choke on your overpriced coffee at Quills and eat your tapas at Havana Blue, enjoy while you can cause they wont last

Anonymous said...

fork you art bum, go get a real job

Anonymous said...

better yet go write another book nobody will buy

Anonymous said...

maybe start a book club loser

Anonymous said...

yeh you really support buy local by eating at Irish Rover across the bridge Baylor, what a phony you are

Anonymous said...

I read the paper about Blair crying over the police ruling. This is a joke. I sat down with Scott, Pat, and John before arbitration . Those were the liaisons Mrs.Benedetti appointed because I called her. Those three could care less about negotiations. Not one of those three did any work with us besides sit down and give Chief Knight 17 new police cars. Scott you don't want to be shocked again, well you should of tried to learn at the time. Instead of speaking so much Scott like you know it all why don't you sit down and listen for a change you might learn something. Mr. Know it all...

Anonymous said...

Hey don't forget us over here the fire department and the street department with the me too..... Clause

Anonymous said...

fire mickey thompson

Anonymous said...

It's so cute to see the little uneducated people rant inside their bubbles of self created rancid misery.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mayor Jeffy scrooge did you see the ghost of John Mattingly this christmas telling you how empty you are? The ghost of christmas future sees you voted out and sent to the land of reject political toys

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow David Hall from the animal shelter got a new truck. David are you on cloud 9.

Anonymous said...

I went to work for the city parks dept. instead of the county. The mayor has given some hefty raises I could not turn down.

Anonymous said...

Hey Scott Blair when are you going to tell the truth? Your comments in the paper was so far from the truth.

Anonymous said...

Roger, you create your own misery, writing about farts and grown-up subjects like that. Then coming on here and putting down the "little people" and "trogolodytes," and you're quite the big man, aren't you?

No. You're a stupid, aging, boozing hippie. When I'm your age, I hope I'm not anything like you: grouchy, mean, gossipy, self-aggrandizing, lazy, flabby, rebellious, ignorant, boring, and the list goes on. I hope your generation is the last one to act like you do.

Anonymous said...

buy local, go eat at Bob Evans on State Street and shop for your groceries at Walmart and drink your coffee at Mcdonadls not Earth Friends or Quills, good luck on your revitalization Baylor!

Anonymous said...

Hello, Larry.

Anonymous said...

Dennis Byrd smiled after City Controller Mary Ann Prestigiacomo counted out and handed him several hundred dollars.

“I brought old handguns that I found cleaning out (vacated) apartments,” Byrd said.

Anonymous said...

Good post, 9;39.

The gun buy-back was a joke. People took nasty, no good guns and got money for them. The first guy in line had 15 guns. He walked away with $3,000. For crap guns.

Gahan's an idiot. Gave away $50,000 of taxpayer money so he could look like the big man of action, saving the children from violence.

Dumb idiot.

Anonymous said...

what Gahan did is probably unconstitional, taxpayer funds to purchase guns for the property of the govt.

Anonymous said...

Those two assault weapons will never be used on our children. That is the bottom line. You are the idiots.

Anonymous said...

Oh, PU-LEEEEZE. Don't be a moron, 6:34.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Two whole assault rifles. The world is safe now everybody! 6:34, you are a complete moron. What would keep a wack job from running over kids with a truck? Are we going to have a truck buy back program? Bottom line is if someone wants to harm kids, they can find a way. Buying legal guns is just a way for the government to violate the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

i agree gahan violated the consitution, that can get him removed from office

Anonymous said...

gahan is just another liberal who is clueless, the clock is running out gahan

Anonymous said...

Ignorant white trash NRA.... New Albany is such an embarrassment .

Anonymous said...

oh go cry to the NAACP, maybe you need a copy of Uncle Tom's Cabin ghetto boy

Anonymous said...

yeh the city is safer now from you crack head , gold toothed bucks now that Gahan bought all those guns isnt it? Better idea, start arresting those thugs in the jects and help protect us law abiding citizens, White, Black and rainbow colored instead of buying guns you downtown morons

Concerned NA Citizen said...

You people are funny. Read the article in the tribune about how NAFC schools are telling people they are confident that the students in our local schools are safe to their standerds. What a joke. They think a locked door system is the salvation to all the possible problems that might arise in the future. Living in a dream world they are. A lot of grade schools don't even have a locked door system and they are saying they are safe to their standards. They are starting from the more populated schools and going down to install the system. So if your kid goes to a less populated school, they are vulnerable. Sounds reassuring to me. I'm glad my children are out of school. I don't trust anyone with the safety of my kids. And what's funny about it is the government makes your kids go to school and beat around the bush protecting them saying it will cost to much money for armed guards. How much money is your child worth. And all these politicions bashing the NRA, but i don't hear any solutions coming out of their mouth. They just want more laws on top of the 25,000 laws that are in the books now on gun control. Between Newtown and the shooting in New York where the 2 firefighters got ambushed, There seems to be an over abundence of MENTAL PATINTS and EX-CONS able to get their hands on guns. That seems to be where the problem is. But no politicions will address that. The liberals will say they have rights also. So everyone have a happy new year and we will resume this conversation in 2013.

Concerned NA Citizen said...

PATIENTS Sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

gahan probably got his idea to buy guns from "Hanoi" Connie Sipes, the liberal poster child of NA's answer to Gloria Steinham and Jane Fonda

Anonymous said... many assault rifles do you nut cases own?

Anonymous said...

How does buying guns off the street violate the constitution? Jeeeeezzeeee!

Anonymous said...

Gahan dont tell the police you dont have money to settle our arbitration when you just spent 50,000.00 on crap guns.You might have meant well, but if their happens to be an incident I am going to be the one under the gun not you.

Anonymous said...

I ain't gonna tell you how many assault rifles I own. You'll find out if you try to come take them away from me though. The gun buy back program was a joke. Ol' Jeffey seems to mean well, but he doesn't have a clue about what this city really needs.

Anonymous said...

Arbitration. Why should the police get every penny of the city's money?

Anonymous said...

1:19.... Since you are so smart, please enlighten us. What does this city need?

Anonymous said...

no painted forks on the street, fork you.

Anonymous said...

I personally believe that all of our needs are met by having a replica of a big chunk of cheese with a fork sticking out of it on prominent display. It may seem simple but it serves as an inspiration to all. It is a symbol of our hopes,our dreams and the possibilities that lie before us as a top-notch city. Cheese, cheese, cheese! What more could we want?

Anonymous said...

stick a big fork with cheese on the city county building in honor of the mouse of a mayor or rat whichever is most descriptive

Anonymous said...

Same old nonsense. This blog is dying. Yawn . Big yawn.

Concerned NA Citizen said...

The buy back program is a feel good thing for public employees trying to make the public think there is a difference being made. As for the money, it was garnished by private donations and the city council from the Quality of Life initiatives. But no seperation on how much came from who. Would be nice to see a seperation on how much came from each. Good luck NAFD on your arbitration. Hope you get what is owed to you. The city should have to own up to what they are obligated to and quit wasting money fighting it in court.

Concerned NA Citizen said...

Sorry NAPD

Concerned NA Citizen said...


Anonymous said...

One thing you can bank on with this administration is, if it seems like the right thing to do, they'll do the opposite.

Anonymous said...

I agree 7:57. What cracks me up is Gahan ran on this "I've been a lifelong Democrat" platform. Everything he's done except the goofy gun buy back has been ultra conservative mirroring the Republicans in Indianapolis. Look at how he has fought the unions, broke the Parks Dept., took over the sewer utility and is trying to undermine the Housing Authority. Looks like to me the Republicans didn't need to beat Gahan; they won.

Anonymous said...

9:29...he has supported unions. He has worked to save CITY parks, saving money for sewer utility and make public housing better. None of those are republican ideas. Republicans are for LESS representation (unified parks) and more privatization. No. He is not a republican. Not even close!

Anonymous said...

And don't forget the Human Rights Ordinance. It would have never happened under a republican. Go Jeff, keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

I disagree that the HR ordinance wouldn't have happened under a Republican. Lots of good and bad things have happened under both parties. How do you know?

Anonymous said...

hey phipps who you kissing at midnight greg or gahan's ass

Anonymous said...

More trash talk from losers.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that gun program worked great! I could tell at midnight when my neighborhood sounded like a war zone.

Concerned NA Citizen said...

Happy New Year Everyone.

Anonymous said...

hey baylor were you in the garage last night with Phipps giving him a new years kiss?

Anonymous said...

Human Rights Ordinance would of happened anyway Gahan dont give yourself so much credit.

Anonymous said...

I am going to ask the same question i did in 2012 why is Ed Wilkinson still serving on the board of the department his son is employed by. This is not right. If that is not a conflict I dont know what is.

Anonymous said...

The democrats our partying at Baylors place tomorrow night. That Dickey is worthless, look out Adam your own people our stacking the deck against you. Cochran cannot help you anymore.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

adam dickey is the dickless wonder

Anonymous said...

9:24 The Ed Wilkinson deal is no different than when ron toran was chief of the fire dept and his son was on the board of works for the city. There will always be conflicts in government.Just be glad like that one, one day soon your Wilkinson deal will be over and everything will be better.

Anonymous said...

Is the idiot on Freedom of Screach smoking crack again? Total waste of time. No wonder she doesn't allow comments.

Anonymous said...

She has nothing else better to do over there in the 500 block of Country Club Drive.

Anonymous said...

at least she doesnt hide in a garage like you leotards

Anonymous said...

I didn't kiss Phipps but I did your old lady while you were drunk on Bud Light.

Anonymous said...

4:39 of course she does or she wouldn't call herself Erik. So Fork You Thrasher!!!

Anonymous said...

thats ok baylor, we all know your first wife played around on you

Anonymous said...

Buy local sell out of town. Nice ring to it...

Anonymous said...

Jeffrey is a one term mayor. That's common knowledge.

Anonymous said...

This blog is dying. Always same old nonsense. Blah.

Anonymous said...

How's that new bicentennial park coming along? I haven't been down there for a while to see it. I hope they do a good job on it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many FOS "staff" members it took to come up with that new list...LOL!

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you one thing. People are saying a lot of nothing on here. NOthing. It's a boring blog lately. Why don't you discuss something and put some information behind it?

Like that guy that keeps telling that he knows what Roger did in the garage. Why isnt' he on here? I think it's high time we heard more about that.

Concerned NA Citizen said...

I would rather discuss the republicans crying over the fiscal cliff deal. All pissed off because now them and their rich republican buddies have to start paying a fair share of taxes like every else. If everyone paid their fair share this great nation would be in a good state. But for 20+ years they have been spoiled and have let the middle and upper lower class foot the bill for a majority of the nations tax base. Todd Young was crying in an article i read in the tribune this morning. I wonder how much he makes a year??

Anonymous said...

Post a new topic.

Concerned NA Citizen said...

I just read the last 2 postings on that site. Funny. Last year they said they will contuine to fight for every taxpayer in new albany and they have and will make a difference in new albany government. The same thing they said this year. I am asking. What difference have they made? Things seem to be the same in this small river town and i see no difference. So what does that statement mean? More smoke and dagger statements from a media outlet. Those statements have no merit or substance. So stop saying them.

Anonymous said...

It's a relief to see that many of you never made the New Year's Resolution to stop acting idiotic on anonymous blogs.

Anonymous said...

Glad this pleases you, Rog, but sorry to see you didn't make the New Year's resolution to stop writing screed on your dumb blog.

Anonymous said...

And also sorry to see that you've got an even uglier picture of yourself to post. Yuck. Get a grip, man. You look like a spent loser, heading mindlessly down the cirrhosis trail.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

hey gahan was your new years resolution to quit lying already broken?

Anonymous said...

Hey Gahan. Let's hurry up and waist another 50 or 100k buying junk guns that won't hurt anybody. Thanks for waisting my money. Moron

Anonymous said...

Gahan would never make a resolution to quit lying. He doen't know he lies. It's pathological.

Hey, don't click on that link unless you don't mind porn popping up. I don't have a problem with porn, but I'm not into guys, unlike you, Phibbs. That was pretty low for you to put on here. Now I have tgo get a virus off mycomputer. Unless I want to see the men popping up which I don't.

Anonymous said...

We need another gun buyback . 289 guns in one hour and a half? That is crazy that we have so many idiots with weapons.

Anonymous said...

Yep, those single shot shotguns that cost $49 new that had been sitting in the closet for 40 years were sure dangerous. The law allows for people to own as many guns as they everybody with a gun is an idiot? Read the Constitution jackass.

Anonymous said...

8:20 you must be a typical liberal who feels like the guns are the problem. You could buy guns every day and still not get the guns from the criminals.

Anonymous said...

I just want to know we want to complain about the cliff and what is going on and we cannot even get our local politicians to do what is right. Each and every Mayor bends the rules to his or hers own satisfication. It is becoming more like everything is about me and not the people. All about winning isnt it Gahan. The fab 5 on the council with Gahan make their own rules also. The Blair guy lies all the time in the paper,you ought to go to a meetings like i do Blair you better watch your mouth you dont have enough experience on the issues you our talking about.

Anonymous said...

Get ready for a sewer increase!

Anonymous said...

Those men who are really into guns are usually pathetic sad sacks who are compensating for other "shortcomings" in their lives. If you have to carry a big gun around with you, it typically means that you aren't packing where it counts.

Anonymous said...

11:17. The fact you make this statement indicates you are harboring homosexual behavior. Guns and shooting for sport have been legal hobbies for many years. You anti-gun fools act like the lawful gun owners are the ones who have committed recent public acts of violence when nothing is farther from the truth. These acts were perpetrated by mentally ill people. 50k would have been better spent providing additional security for schools or in mental health programs. You will NEVER get all of the guns from the criminals in the country; there are millions out there that will never be sold.

Anonymous said...

No one is holding a gun to your head... keep your guns. There are people that should not be allowed to buy guns. The rules must change.

Anonymous said...

1:12. Now this is a different statement than "gun owners are idiots" and they have "shortcomings". Make up your mind. Fact is you know you're wrong and can't win this argument.

Concerned NA Citizen said...

1:12 What rules are you talking about ? The 20,000 that are on the books now. More rules and laws are not going to change anything. People who want a gun will get it illegally. Politicions need to stop blaming the NRA and come up with some good ideas other than wanting to put more rules and laws in the books. They are supposed to be leaders. They need to start acting like it.

Anonymous said...

Fact is: no one needs automatic weapons. Why are they even sold?

Anonymous said...

fact, right to bear arms stupid

Anonymous said...

baylor looks like one of those fags from deliverance, wee wee Baylor I thought I heard you in the garage again

Anonymous said...

Can you tell me about Gahan's shortcomings because he has alot. His bullying needs to be called in I cant wait to do that. His insecurities really show as a man. All women on the city council should file discrimination suits against him and all the other men on the council.

Anonymous said...

NASH: Predictions for 2013

State and Region

The end of the Mitch Daniels era of state government is over and he has taken his victory lap. He has taken a new job as president of Purdue University so he will be living off the taxpayers’ money for a little while longer.

Isn’t that what Daddy Nash has been doing all his life? Living off the taxpayers’ money? What a freaking hypocrite that Nash is!

Anonymous said...

nash's dad used to get drunk with black whores and fall in pools

Anonymous said...

He still wears his same old pimping leisure suites from the 60's & 70's.

Anonymous said...

yeh I bet nash has some black brothers and sisters

Anonymous said...

HO HO appropriate the column heading. LOL

Anonymous said...

Fluffinstuff could afford to move to Europe if he's stop drinking up his profits.

Anonymous said...

McWaffle Pat isn't fit to be council president. Hey Pat has your son got on the NAFD yet?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Jeffrey is up to his same old crap. Promised Big Sam a new contract then bye bye. What a coward this guy is. Besides being a one term mayor.

Anonymous said...

moleskin checklist sucks

Concerned NA Citizen said...

1:09 Mitch will be living off the tuition of Purdue students for the next how ever many years he serves as leader of the school. And he will be making 4 times his salery from when he was governer. You gotta love America.

Concerned NA Citizen said...

Salary sorry hit wrong button

Anonymous said...

Before you do that, they have to get off your grandmother. She likes it with her legs behind her head from what I hear.

Concerned NA Citizen said...

And this blog has just reached a whole new level. Geez.

Anonymous said...

Fork you Thrasher!

Concerned NA Citizen said...

Who is this thrasher person ??? He almost gets as much bashing as the baylor guy.

Anonymous said...

I really would appreciate it if we could refrain from using the word "nigger" and talk of black penises. It's pretty rude of you.

Anonymous said...

AS usual Roger writes about all the Democrat Council people and says their nothing like Democrats. The onely one he doens't write about is Phipps. Phipps isn't like any Democrat I know and he does't represent our party AT ALL. GET RID OF HIM!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He nees to take his stupid human rights ordenince and take a hike right out of town. The only humans he wants to give any rights to is hisself and the other gays and other people that some think are pushed down by society. Since its not true he needs to get his ordenince and go.

Anonymous said...

You people don't get it, do you? Baylor's the one who writes the 'Fork you thrasher' comments here.

Anonymous said...

Your right Nash is a hypocrite, his father is a joke. Hey Matt you like your father womanizing. Matt do you get paid for writing articles or is your profession something else besides drinking?

Anonymous said...

Steve Sipes in the running for Democrat Chair. Bye bye Adam.

Anonymous said...

Wow Ginkins gets another award from the city to redo the building at Bicknell Park for offices. Gahan your the boss but we our always watching.

Anonymous said...

Matt gets paid to write that screed. Just thought you ought to know that he is a paid columnist in spite of having NO journalism background. His first coach was Baylor. I was in on many a roaring conversation about what he should write about. He sucks.

Steve Sipes is even stupider, so our party is obviously just going down the drain.

Anonymous said...

Glad Diane is not going to be President any more. She did nothing.

Anonymous said...

President will never be the same without Benedetti. She kicked ass and made all past presidents in the last 5 years look like a fool. Mclaughlin you have big shoes to fill following her.

Anonymous said...

She quit showing up too. Wow. Good pay for not working!

Anonymous said...

I agree that Diane did a good job. I'd like to see her continue as President.

Anonymous said...

8:39, you hit the nail on the head. Why had she been absent so much?

Anonymous said...

Haha...Baldy the Bookseller suffers from "premature retribution." LOL.

Anonymous said...

The laughs on you Coffey, I got to meet the guy you get your zannies from. The information just flowed about you.

Anonymous said...

The paper reads this morning that it looks like Pat is ready to start spending alot of money, remember it is not your money it belongs to us taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

No posts for a couple of days. Maybe we have all the nastiness outs of our systems?

Anonymous said...

Carl wanting to look at housing in New Albany. Well Carl you and John Rosenberger have looked at it for about 30 years and look at the shape we our in. Does that justify your 75,000.00 salary you make in New Albany? Come on Roger help me out with this one.

Anonymous said...

Jim's Gun Room thanks to Steve Reisch for investing again to make Downtown a better place. I think that info is right. England says he is moving in upstairs our we ready to see him all over downtown again. Trying to tell us whats right and whats wrong same old soap box.

Anonymous said...

7:42. What does this bit of information have to do with anything? You also write like a third grade student.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Steve Resch, our unsung hero. As for England, not so much.

Anonymous said...

What would Doug be doing upstairs in that building? Does he plan to open a business or something? I agree that the building is starting to look MUCH better now.

Anonymous said...

I like writing like a third grader, gets a reaction out of you. Go Carl tear that whole west end down and get rid of Coffey then you could run for Mayor because you would be a hero.

Anonymous said...

Doug wants to be mayor again. He hates it that he is not. Maybe he is setting up a headquarters...

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's planning to set up a downtown location of the Rustic Frog.

Anonymous said...

or maybe he's starting a brothel

Anonymous said...

Doug is the past. Jeff is bi-polar. And I am gearing for a run for mayor. No I am not John Gonder even though he is running or should I say RuthAnne Wolfe is running. Look out Mayor your closes partners our coming after you and you cant even see it.

Anonymous said...

Thrasher for mayor!!

Anonymous said...

6:46... Anonymous losers are not good candidates. Rather have a Mayor who speaks up.

Anonymous said...

Oh Roger you think anyone is a hero just because he puts his name on what he writes. It hasn't made a hero out of you anytime lately. So what of it, you moron? You and your buddies Randy Smith and Jeff Gillenwater and Brandon Smith and whoever else you've collected over the years, not a one of you is a hero. And, if I'm writing like a FIRST grader, so be it, loser.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! Roger, you say that you've run into a crackpot (after driveling on about the etymology of the word). I assume that you ran into a MIRROR, Rog? Ha! Ha! Hee! Hee! Pretty silly of you to run into yourself like that. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Anonymous said...

Psst...more than just Baylor and crowd think you're an idiot, anonymous mayor runner and your cronies.

Anonymous said...

thrasher for mayor, free pot for everyone

Anonymous said...

Post a new story please.

Anonymous said...

Speaking will be coming very soon Roger. Heard you entertained the mayor last night. Gahan giving advice to Mclaughlin. MAYOR please tell PAT to stop drinking so much.

Anonymous said...

moleskin checklist sucks

Anonymous said...

And it would be about something else -- something my Mom liked to talk about when I was growing up: minding your own business.

Go ahead Roger. Mind your own business. Give it a go and shut up, why don't ya?

Anonymous said...

When will we repost. We need a post!

Anonymous said...

Arre you still receiving threats? If not post a story.