We all have issues with non-enforcement of the laws, or selective enforcement of New Albany laws. This is your opportunity to sound off about which laws in this town that are not being enforced and your guesstimate as to how much money this is costing our City.
What can we do about these issues?
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
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I vote for lack of housing codes enforcement, past due sewer bills and parking. The way the city takes care of it is to do their jobs.
I would like to know how come Shane Gibson and Doug England gave Atty. Bearsley an options of: purchase 3 parking passes downtown and we will forgive the $26,000+ parking tickets.
That illegal!
Those Crooked Rat B@st@rds.
I think because B knows about the selective enforcement and the other two don't want to take him on. That's what I think.
let me go check that out.
There seems to be more questions than answers on England, Gibson and Malysz.
These issues has to be confronted.
England's deals wouldn't pass a lie detector test, in a court of law. No way, no how.
Where did the 6 million dollars go that the State of Indiana gave to New Albany for taking over the hwy.?
Any current council member who is a candidate that supports the new parking garage Thursday will be voted out of office. This is NOT a threat, this is a promise!
Have the balls to vote NO!
If Gahan supports and votes for this $12 million parking garage he will lose my vote. He can take that to the bank.
Been wondering about that 6 million $ myself. I also wonder why they made the INDOT garage a parking garage for the city police.
It's the usual squander and waste.
I agree with you Fed Up. We don't give a dang about DNA and what they think. It's as is as usual.
Same old people, same old game, using our money to fatten their pockets.
Which part of this and the River View Dev don't you all understand?
This is the way it's always been. Just ask the Adminis. And, if you don't like it, tough. There are vested interests (conflict of interests). The Boards are stacked. What else is new?
The numbers don't add up, numbers don't add up, people don't add up. Another day. Good luck on a good fight.
We understand where Z and Messer are wrapped up tight. How the hell did they get Gahan? Jeff, some strong advice. The MAJORITY, the majority, of citizens do not want to pay for RV. We have been there and done that. We can see clearly now. Hope the Council Attorney advises the Council on whether there is a "shall" or "will" pay the taxpayers back. Good luck on reading the documents, or even retrieving them for that matter. The devil is in the details. WE know. NO to RV.
YES to getting downtown restored.
Come on, GAHAN. Are you sure you're not voting on financials Thursday night? Is the deal such as there is no vote on financials until you approve the project so "they" can get financing? Are you kidding us?
This project is snowballing through hell faster than the speed of light. I guess that way it won't melt.
I voted for Gahan in the primary, but if they hoodwink him in on this one. I'll vote for the landscaper. Surely he's got more sense than this.
Even King Larry knows this is a scam. Build it and we will pay.
How dumb do they think we are? Now the council is another topic. Give us a break I thought Gahan was the good guy? Looks like he's no damn better than what we got.
First rule of thumb if England is pushing a resolution then were screwed.
They voted out the only councilman who made sense.
Them A**holes sitting on council need to all go to jail. It's our friggin money and I don't want another parking garage.
How about you?
I bet my man Price votes NO.
I smell another con job.
Non-enforcement of parking regulation for RIVER CITY WINERY!
They continue to park their oversized truck on the city streets and leave them parked in the same spots for days on end.
They want citizens to support their business but they wont even obey city ordinances.
Has Jeff Gahan actually indicated support for the TIF inclusion on Thursday? Previously he had big problems with it.
Read that way in the paper. Z & Messer and Gahan.
And what happens if "they" don't get the financing or do they have their own personal bank?
5 PM @ Shilo. Larry Scharlow will be Jack Messers Deputy Mayor.
*AGAIN* - though got to say, how does that help your camaign, Jack? Useless SOBS.
Shiloh. A picture needs to be submitted to the Architectural Magazine for worse design and location ever for a newly constructed building.
Guess they have to use it for something. HaHaHaHa
I hope Dave Matthews is there to see what kind of party(s) we have in town. Is he a Democrat, is he a Pub, or is he an Independent?
Sick, Sick, Sick.
it took baylor nearly four years and lots of licking of englands @ss crack, but it looks like he maybe getting england figured out. guess fluff got stuffed by england! your one way bet with england was the wrong way to go baylor. u should have listened to the rest of us to begin with.
let me guess, he's probably promised you one way if you vote for him as councilman. you going to fall for that again fluff?
So Messer isn't going to Council, and none of the others? Speaks volumes. But, maybe they won't have the votes for RV.
7-2 vote. Price and Coffey voted against.
Damn them other 7 council members.
Messer is a loser all the way around.
Great posting FOS. You hit the nail right on the head.
Hey Jeff, what the hell were you thinking?
Baylor's been fluffing England for so long, he has no idea what England's been doing to him! I wouldn't expect him to know about it even now. Just check out his blog and how he's accusing people of stuff he has no idea at all about.
Nothing new with Fluffinstuff.
Scharlow, Messers campaign manager and Smith his communication handler. The two most disliked people in New Albany. Your doomed Jack!
Hell, my man Price could beat them all.
If you remember--caesar ran scharlows campaign four years ago in the primary so you can put him in jack's corner
btw-----the vote does not matter----i will be very surprised if they get financing.
I've gotta say, none of the above, nor the vote, surprises me. Matter of fact, you would be hard pressed to shock me at this point in time and what with everything I know - about who is who, who blows who, .....
BUT, (which negates every thing I just said), what do you think about England running for Mayor? Sure, three weeks ago I was laughing about it when I heard the rumors. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I heard it from someone I trust. Then, I heard it for sure tonight. I still don't want to believe it, but, I have to tell you. It is reality. June 30th, come on.
God help us if England is running for mayor. Really.
Anything to water down the vote and keep Gahan from winning and the others from losing their jobs.
I wish I could have sympathy for Jack but I can't. For him to state he's not a racist because his daughter is married to a blackman. He don't just sound like a racist - he is one.
How many times have you heard Messer use the "n" word? I HAVE heard it several times and so has many others at roll call and on the street.
Yah know it's people like Jack that would make someone and act extremely racist.
Jack doesn't want to give up sll the good N - word jokes.
As Oprah says, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck.
Shame on you Jack.
By the way, once you go black, you never go back. Go out and bang a black woman or two, I guarantee it'll cure your racism, Jack.
How come NO one has pulled Messer's employment records?
What's in it for Scharlow or Smith?
I'm loss for words.
You'd have to ask Scharlow and Smith. Why go against the Democrat candidate if you are a Democrat, ahem....
Aren't police records kept secret unless someone like the Press gets them?
Caeser and Smith and Scharlow. What do the three of them have in common? What a joke. GO GAHAN.
Scharlow and Smith have no loyalty whatsoever to the Democrat Party. Smith is __________ (fill in the blank). Scharlow's just annoying.
Why do we have the constant crap from these people anyway? Our party is sick and tired of them making the rest of us look like nasty, angry scumbags. We've got enough problems with the crooks in the party who take all the money and run.
scharlow took a republican ballot in 1999 and 2000----jack took a republican ballot this year--and asked to run as mayor as a republican
randy smith---he is not the one on pamela drive is he? I am looking up his voting record
Randy Smith, I can assure you, has never voted Republican. He's as vitriolic a Republican-hater as Roger is. When he can't find fault with them, he lies about them and spreads his lies all over town, just like Fluffinstuff does.
We will never, EVER, solve New Albany's problems with Democrats that automatically hate all Republicans. The Republicans, as far as I can tell (locally) don't hate us. But somehow, we hate them.
Not this Democrat, baby. Some of our most effective and caring public officials are Republicans and I don't care of Wilcox hates hearing that or not. It's true.
They don't hate Republicans, 6:54. They hate Republican policies. There is a difference. I've been a Democrat my whole life, and I can see the difference.
7:05 you're so wrong.
They do hate republicans and it is very apparent.
The local Democrats can’t every get anything done in this town or willing to diligently try and get things done. Code enforcement was #1 agenda for England. What’s been done? Nada.
At least the last Republican in office tried to tackle and deal with the real problems in New Albany...code enforcement through rental registration, budget busting compensation paid to the City’s public protection employees, EPA lawsuit over sewer violations, even got a new fire station built, and got the ball rolling to getting us a YMCA.
What have the Democrats done and what is there to show for all the money? It looks like our local Democrats should take a good hard look at their own policies before they go shooting off at the mouth about the policies of any other party.
I hope our next leadership, no matter what party they are, will have the balls to finally do what is expected of them.
Amen, 8:37.
Looks like Randy Smith turned on his brothers. You do know the progressive eat their young don't you? He's losing his business, he's desperate to grab hold of a racist loser.
Didn't they learn you can't promise voters what they can't deliver.
You better watch out Jack campaigning on taxpayers time, because this time we got people riding around with cam corders and were going to nail your ass for sure!
Where's all those Messer supporters? Let's take all them crooked a@@holes out for good this time.
Gahan for Mayor.
Randy created his own demise by his choices in bed fellows. Piss brew will do that to you.
8:37 am. Why bash all Democrats? Why not lay the problems at the feet of the man who has been in office X amount of years now?
I may be a Democrat, but have been known to cross party lines and vote for the PERSON, not the party.
And, the shame of it all is, the current Mayor isn't even from this City, or County, or State. And we let him do this to our fair City or did it start before him?
Why doesn't the Republican Party come up with a viable candidate?
Sorry, you'll just have to do better than bashing us all. Some Dems have truly tried to make a difference.
unfortunately there are just too many bad apples in the demo party
Happy Father's Day, Dad.
You have an excellent point, 5:13. I'm a Democrat, but I certainly have NOTHING to do with the current administration being in office. I've wondered exactly what you ask:
"And the shame of it all is, the current Mayor isn't even from this City, or County, or State. And we let him do this to our fair City or did it start before him?"
And the Republican Party isn't any help. Who in their party came out? Some guy named Bagshaw? Pretty weak choice on that Matthews' part. The best thing to have come out of the Republican party is State Rep Ed Clere. he makes up for ALL the rest of 'em. The rest of the Republicans live out of the city. They're a bunch of suburbanites. Dumb.
Get rid of anyone having close ties to England, and don't vote in his toady Messer either.
You got that right 4:37am Ed Clere is the best of the best and Becky Gardenour runs a close second.
What do the democrats have? Messer? England? Gibson? Malysz? Gonder? Ceasar? Benedetti? Coffey?
All a real piece of shit too.
Just drove pass the Swillhouse, not much going on there. Let's put fluffinstuff out of business.
Happy Father's Day!
Some need to realize it's election time and we have a big mountain to move. Let's work together and move it. GO GAHAN.
Just drove pass the Swillhouse, not much going on there.
But of course! The shirtless dude dragging his weedeater behind the tricycle.
Fluffinstuff, whoever it is that drove by, they see the same thing I see. Not much business and nothing happening. You seem a bit washed up to me.
With that much yawning going on, it's no wonder we're hearing rumblings of business failure.
May I suggest, as the Blog Administrator, if you wish to continue your whatevers with New Albanian, you go to his blog and take it up with him.
There are important issues in this town and he's not one of them. Thanks.
I'm hearing it was England's decision about Windstream. Mayonaise found out there weren't enough TIF dollars to dole out. Wonder if this is true?
Howcome New Albany Police officers issue tickets on two 8 1/2 by 11 sheets of paper and they aren't carbons, etc.? Never mind, I don't even want to know.
Can't get to NAC blog without participating in a survey. Hah, blogger struck and you can't skip it even though it says you can. But, there is a way around it. You have to backdoor Twitter and hit the article. Informational purposes only.
Messer having trouble getting 200 signatures? Didn't know how hard it was, did you Messer. Ignorant *********........
Non-enforcement of parking regulation for RIVER CITY WINERY!
They continue to park their oversized truck on the city streets and leave them parked in the same spots for days on end.
When city police officers won't even obey city ordinances how can we believe things will get any better. Come on Todd, cant you get your officers to obey city ordinances and enforce ordinances against your officers who won't obey them?
Amen, 6:06 AM.
They're way too slack on enforcing anything around here...for the right people. Surely you've caught onto that???
Wonder why Coffey is all over the front page? He was against the Windstream projected and told other council members he was a 'NO' vote.
You are absolutely right 6:06 am. We have bigger issues to deal with than fluffinstuff.
England wants a $400,000 farmers market, a $12 million dollar parking garage and he expects us to pay for it.
I need my car repaired for all the friggin pot holes but he wants to pave the allay's.
Go figure?
Wonder how many kick packs that will get him?
Code Enforcement in New Albany is a big joke. We pay a City Attorney, a
Building Commissioner, Code Enforcement Employees and provide them with cars, and cell phones.
We get no help at all. New Albany continues to be one BIG MESS with
trash, junk cars and dilapidated and unsafe houses.
It often appears that it is all about providing a salary to certain people and not about actually making a difference for the citizens who pay for those salaries.
You said it, 5:15 PM. This is exactly what the problem is around here. It's all about supporting the people who want more money all the time while not wanting to do the job their supposedly paid to do. That city attorney is the worst of the bunch. We're counting on him to have expertise, and what does he give us? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
What a joke.
Did you forget 6:11 our city attorney also cost the taxpayers $425,000.00 on the Georgetown Sewer deal. I often wonder what kind of kick back they got on that deal too.
I wonder what bar downtown they're at tonight?
Everything is playing out as "they" have planned. Messer can't/doesn't get his 200 signatures needed, keeps his job (rather than retiring like he was suppose to) and England decides to run on the Independent ticket.
THEY have to, HAVE TO, keep this farce going - too many worried about their jobs. I say screw their jobs.
I'm sure there may be some who get the job done, but they are few and far between.
Anything to pull the vote from Gahan. "They" cannot afford, literally, for Gahan to become Mayor. GO GAHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft agley.
Instead of 'We back Jack' it should be 'We don't back Liar Jack.'
Gahan for Mayor 2011
How can Messer put up signs when he hasn't got the 200 signatures?
My thoughts on Doug England.
The mayor's policies simply aren't working. And more than that, he won't even tell us the truth about the problems we're facing and what it's really going to take to get New Albany back on the right track.
He has over spent and mismanaged our tax dollars, but we have now seen where his type of leadership gets us.
Leadership isn't about fancy speeches and empty promises. It's not about telling only what he wants citizens to know or think. It's about telling the truth.
England governs with an eye towards the up coming election and whats in it for him. He has nothing to lose and everything to gain.
In Indianapolis, they call that "smart politic's." But I'm not
from Indianpolis are you?
He has NOT balanced the budget and has not cut his spending.
Our city is broken, our country is going broke, and our financial outlook will make the pain of the recession pale in comparison.
It's long past time for a New Albany mayor - and anyone who wants to be mayor - to be straight with us citizens of the City of New Albany.
And the cuts we must make cannot be in other people's favorite (cough)and I am talking about the NAPD & NAFD after we get rid of Gibson and Malysz.
Anyone running who can't tell hard truths now won't be able to lead our city now or in the future.
We know know that Doug England's promise of "change"(cough)was just hopeless lies and hype.
Together, with Jeff Gahan we will change our city, and this time, it really will be for the better.
Legal Beagle
Please excuse any typo's in my above statement.
Legal Beagle
Good job legal beagle, you've been missed.
Look at Jack's, Dan's, Pat's, John's, Bob's, Kevin's and Diane's grandstanding those candidates spew BS, but they can't hide their voting records.
You can go on line and see these weasels record.
Pass this on.
Just like Elton John sang, The bagel's back!
I am a republican and I will be voting for Mr. Gahan. What the hell were you thinking Mr. Matthews when you chose a landscaper to run on the Republican ticket?
I guess Messer never got back to him about running as a republican.
he will probably get the signatures.
But he has too many skeletons.
the comments
running those plates for his wife's employer (councilman zurchmeide)
and----there is a reson that in 24 years he has never risen above a patrolman---there is something in his file a lot worse than everything else combined and I am sure someone out there knows what it is.
Too funny.
"I'm not from Indianapolis", too funny. Me either. Education is the key to this election. Let's educate the people of OUR City!
A business cornerstone: Schmitt Furniture celebrating 75 years at State and Main in New Albany
Congratulations Schmitt Furniture on 75 years!
How about showing your appreciation to the community who has supported you all these years and improve the appearance of your store. If you won’t replace the windows you boarded up, what about at least having them painted to look like windows?
You mean we have NO money left to buy Schmitt's some windows?
To hear England speak we have a cash cow downtown.
Yes. I've heard Phipps say we have money just sitting around waiting to be spent.
Is there a power struggle going on in town? It sure seems and looks like it.
They can struggle all they want but Gahan will be our next mayor.
GO GAHAN!!!!!!
They're all stupid if you ask me (not that any of you did). Especially Messer. What a dope. And what a loser Randy Smith is for supporting him.
Good overview of Indiana economy, despite quote by Rebecca Gardenour.
Laws not being enforced?
Read Tribune article and have a Grand Jury tell us!
It's who you know and who you blow around here.
How does a Controller who has worked for the administratin for years make those kind of mistakes? Who is under contract for the books?
Why do we have a City Council?
i heard from someone downtown that the person under contract is the controllers daughter. shes an attorney and been under contract for over a year making big bucks.
Isn't she the one who wanted to sue Valla Ann for attacking her mother?
I was there and Valla Ann just called a spade a spade.
Mary Ann Prestigiacomo. She has quite a history I've been told.
Yeah, I've got all kinds of information on Mary Ann Prestigiacomo. She's another one of New Albany's fine characters. Lost her business partner/father and carries on in law without him. Sad. She's a real snob, though.
She's a real snob, though.
kind of like people who spread anonymous slander, huh?
what? the city controller contracts with a lawyer who happens to be her daughter to clean up the the city accounting records? somethings sounds very very wrong with that. why does she need a lawyer? why is this allowing to occur?
County prosecutor won't take the matter up - too political. Citizens and Council members (ones who care) have been blocked everytime trying to get answers to the money.
I still don't understand why we need a Council what with all of this going on behind their backs.
the council should require the controller to appear at the next meeting and explain why she needs a lawyer fixin the books
Hey all. Where can one get a copy of this audit report?
Citizen For Accountability has a copy. Contact President Denhart. She can now say "she told you so!"
Indiana Code 5-13-6-1 (e) states; "All local investments officers shall reconcile, at least monthly the balance of public funds, as disclosed by the records of the local officers, with the balance statements provided by the respective sepositories."
Legal Beagle
Who's Garry's boss? Doug England. Where did the money go?
Hey All! Here is the website President Denhart provided to me for the audit report.
perhaps fluffnstuff, kojoke and matt trash has the money. they've not a word to say about the report.
Hey Beagle, have you seen the audit? What's your legal opinion?
Beagle you won't need any "sepositories" after reading the report. The report will make your crap in your pants.
Too funny.
2:57 your right, crapped my pants!
Mayor Doug England conceded the audit was not spotless, but said “there’s no money missing.”
“There’s bookkeeping procedures that probably need to be adhered to better,” he said, as he added the controller’s office is short staffed and needs better technology.
8 million overdrawn .
2 million over budget
1.6 million not recorded
317K bank out of balance
100K tiff money used for judgement
If there is no money missing, where is it and why wasn't it all in the records? Perhaps something other than just better technology is needed.
In 2005 the council was prepared to vote for new software and Mrs. Garry said NO they didn't need it. So she's nothing but a big fat liar. She knows what she's doing she needs to go to jail with all the rest of them.
It was all "software problems" in 2001 too. That's always their excuse. Sooner or later you stop believing their lies and raise ten kinds of hell and make these people do their jobs. This is obscene talking about that kind of money (our money) and no checks and balances in order to find out how much money is in the 20 bank accounts and how desperate they are to make payroll to move that kind of money out of TIF.
EDIT is still owed from the parking garage, 500,000 missing for police cars, the sewer utility. What a sick kind of joke.
Why has the Controller contracted with an Attorney to keep the books?
Birds of a feather flock together.
As for record-keeping glitches, Garry said one employee in the controller’s office has been assigned to removing errors from the city’s financial computer log for the past 18 months.
why didnt Garry say, I have contracted for the past 18 months with my daughter who is also my lawyer to remove my errors?
Anybody who doesn't question Kay Garry's bookkeeping capabilities is a naive Pollyanna. We ought to be storming down the Prosecutor's office door in our quest to get these issues resolved. What needs to happen is a house cleaning. Get rid of these people in the inner circle, who do Mattingly's (and now Malysz's) bidding and take this mayor and put him in jail for the rest of his life.
Think it'll ever happen? Not on your life! We're too busy forming coalitions to oppose bridge tolls and whining about saving buildings.
Getting rid of these people would save us a lot more money that we'd spend on stupid bridge tolls and saving buildings, people. Getting these crooks in jail would make New Albany MUCH more attractive to upscale home buyers and more sophisticated residents.
People get so mired in MUCK that no progress will EVER happen here. Sickening.
and garry complains in the paper today that she and her staff are under paid. i guess she want us to believe that if they pay her more she will be able to do a better job. what a joke
Way to go Freedom Of Speech. One of the best posting I've ever read. It is what it is.
7:09 the bitch just got a raise in 2010. She now makes over $54K. Cry us a river Garry. Walk a mile in my shoes.
$54K to screw up the records? can only imagine how much they are paying her lawyer to um unscrew them? in the mean time we are paying a hevty price for them to screw us.
Erik for Mayor.
We applaud FOS commitment to serving our area's residents. Without you the taxpayers would never know the truth.
Garry vouched for the incorruptibility of the city’s finances.
“There’s never been a penny missing since I’ve been in here,” she said.
We know better. Isn't there some suits and other things out of the Sewer utility for the Mayor undr another term, Garry? Sure there is.
Erik for Mayor.
YES! First a black President, now a black Mayor! New Albany's really opening up!
Erik for New Albany 2011!
Citizen For Accountability has a copy. Contact President Denhart. She can now say "she told you so!"
Email for your copy now!
That is the CFA email address, right?
How do I attend a meeting again?
11:54, here is your own personal copy.
and on what page does it say money was stolen?
i read it. didn't see anywhere that money was stolen.
tell me where it says that!
The prosecutor told me he's tired of you coming to him every time you want one of your political enemies to get in trouble. That's not how the courts work. Not unless you're in Russia, that is.
Someone on here is mighty hyper.
BUT this is Russia. Just read some of Baylor's posting. He was apointed blog czar by England himself.
@5:55 everything is always baylors fault, isn't?
i ask you about proof of crime regarding garry and you change the subject to baylor. it's gettting old.
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